Thursday, May 13, 2010

Day 6 of HCG - Cheater's NEVER prosper!!! my Day 4 binge caught up with me this hoo! I only lost .5lbs this morning, which is still good but it is evident that it's coming down. My initial lost was 2, then 1.5, and now this. Sigh. It's okay though! I will kickstart myself again. Let's see if I can manage to have only veggies at lunch today....and no apple. Hoping that will get me back up to the 1lb a day at least. That's my aim anyways. Drinking water right now and will incorporate some tea at some point. Took fiber pills this morning to help with the sugar, but clearly a carb or two since it's fiber. All natural though. Hoping this helps with the appetite. Cross your fingers!!

BTW....I'm giving my toast and sticks to geneva. None of that today either. The wages of sin.....LOL!

20.5lbs away from goal!


  1. .8 down. Not happy. That is all that needs to be said. I wonder if it was the green beans that I introduced to the diet. BTW, i washed my hair and i couldn't resist using a little oil to help with the pressing process. Mineral oil just wasn't doing it and nappiness should be a sin. Sigh

  2. Mel's Update: Didn't lose anything today, but I lost 2 yesterday so this is common. I did get a 30 minute workout in last night. Having my black coffee and apple for breakfast today. I have boiled cod and tomatoes for lunch. Looking forward to weight loss tomorrow....
