Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Day 18 of HCG

Voila! I'm down another 1.5lbs this morning. I opted to help out my plateau a bit by having 1.5 servings of fruit for my dinner in the form of a yummy smoothie last night. I also had three capsules of fiber so I was NOT hungry in the least bit. Not even when I woke up this morning!
So....I'm closer to my goal weight!

13.5lbs til goal weight


  1. Mel's Day 18 Update: I stayed the same this morning. Didn't get my whole workout in...work pager went off. We'll see what the scale says tomorrow...:-)

  2. Well, I had gone away for the weekend (for a wedding) and ended up putting on 1.8 pounds. I kept up with the drops but didn't feel like packing food with me since we were staying in a hotel. I know that I should have packed my own food. However, I have lost a pound of it as of this morning.
