Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Day 4 of HCG

Okay! Well it's day four and I'm SUPER excited!!! I am down 2lbs so that made my "hunger spell" that I had yesterday worth it. I got EXTREMELY snacky after lunch so that was my difficult time. I ate a breadstick on the way home, and then started preparing my meals for the week. I went to Yoga around 7pm, so I didn't eat until I got back...and guess what...wasn't very hungry. Guess the drops worked for my dinner time period. I ate my lobster tail, and only two spears of asparagus. Then I had my strawberries. This morning I'm a little hungry.....I've already eaten my apple and a breadstick! lol! I'm gonna be mad about that breadstick come this afternoon. :-) Shrimp is for lunch with asparagus and then fish and asparagus for dinner. We'll see how dinner goes....I have a parent association mtg today....they're serving pizza. Sigh.....


  1. Ok, so I found myself constantly going to the bathroom last night. I wonder if it was because of the morning cup of coffee with very little cream (1 tbsp) or from the add'l water intake. Not sure, but I must have gotten up around 5 times during the night. Not happy. I am tired today but I am not sure if that is from sleep deprivation or from taking hcg :( I did take the B-12 drop but I think it has ran its course.

  2. Mel's Day 4 Update: Down 3lbs this morning so the 2.5 from the "binge" is gone. WOOHOO! I was a little tired on the treadmill last night so I only jogged 1 mile and walked 1. Breakfast today: Apple and black coffee. Lunch today: 3.5 oz chicken breast and asparagus. I have more energy today and I haven't even had the B-12 drops so I plan to do more than 2 miles tonight and maybe some light weights.

  3. I so seriously will need to do the treadmill tonight....I CHEATED! Sigh. I had a little sugar in my coffee. I couldn't take the stevia! lol! i only used about a 1/2 tsp, but i think i'm going to pay miserably for it. sigh. :-( I've had lunch....and I'm still hungry. Bummer. I think the issue is that i didn't fill up last night with my dinner like i should have. i'm definitely having carb withdrawal right now. lol!
