Monday, May 10, 2010

Day 3 of HCG

Well after enjoying two days of "binge" eating, today is my first real test of whether this stuff will work or not. I've been told that I may have already lost something and just don't know it yet...we'll see. I clearly need to loose something as I'm sure that the cinnabon, along with other yummies has firmly attached itself to my hips by now! LOL! At any rate, I'm not famished at this point....but I definitely could use my lunch. However, this is normal for me so I'll chalk it up to that. Especially since all I've had so far is an apple and half a cup of oolong tea. I would have expected to be utterly famished by now, but seem to be doing okay. Lunch will be in another hour or so and that's chicken and asparagus. Dinner will be lobster and most likely asparagus...gotta keep it easy. Not sure when I'll sneak the melba toast and orange in, but i'm sure I'll consume it with passion! :-)


  1. Mel's update: The two days of "binge" was really hard for me since I was on a 1200 calorie per day for 5 months prior, but I did it. These 2.5 lbs I gained during the "binge" better come off. :-) Day 3 hasn't been too bad, I had an apple and black coffee for breakfast and lunch will be cod and spinich with freshly squeezed lemon juice. I'm feeling really good so far...

  2. I was a little hungry so I had lunch. Cajun Shrimp and Spinich. Yum! I am waiting for my brain to recognize that I have just eaten.
