Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Day 5 of HCG

Tam - I'm still chuggin along! I'm down 1.5lbs today, but it's no thanks to my pitiful will power from yesterday. I completely slipped up at dinner and had that pizza I said I wasn't going to have. And I paid for it. It made me feel miserable!!! And it was a tiny piece too! I did eat a nice big salad with dressing other than some pepper juice. I'm not hungry this morning which is good. I've had my drops and some coffee. Bout to drink some water and eat my apple in a bit!


  1. Mel's Day 5: Lost 2 more lbs. Feeling more energetic today. Did not care for the crab meat for dinner but managed to eat 3 bites and 2 tomatoes. Walked on the treadmill last night for 30 minutes and worked on my arms with some light 5lb weights. I had an apple and coffee (1 tbsp lowfat milk) for breakfast today and lunch will be spinach salad (1 cup) with 3.5 oz boiled cod and some freshly squeezed lemon on top. I think this is the diet to get me over my plateau!! :-)

  2. Felt a little light-headed this morning. I have determined that it was because of the coffee. Sigh...I will try not to have coffee during this diet. This is probably for the best. The increased heart rate was kind of scary but I ate Melba toast and it is beginning to subside. 1lb down.
