Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Day 1 of VLCD

Well today is officially day one of the very low calorie diet for some of us....others are a few days ahead....and then there are the ones who are "waiting" for things to occur. ;-) At any rate, I thoroughly enjoyed my fat load days...gained about 5 lbs total since I began loading on say oh...Wednesday and drops on Sunday. :-D But am happy to say that I was down 2lbs this morning. So I'm hopeful that my "extra" will fall off by weeks end and then some. Not hungry this morning which is great. Had a few strawberries and a little toast...btw...I noted that the toast is higher in calories than the melba toast, so take note of that when swapping it for that. Drinking my water...which won't be hard today since we are visiting hades in our building today...sheesh! Where's the air! Anywhooooo.....happy day 1 everyone!!!


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