Thursday, July 8, 2010

Day 3 of VLCD

Today is day 3 and I'm not doing to hateful. Most certainly better than last time around! lol! I was quite pleased this morning to get on the scale and see that I am back where I was before I started my "eat what you want before it's gone" diet of last week. So that brings me down 5lbs from the height of where I got to with my fat load. I'm pretty excited that I'm not experiencing a lot of hunger this time around. Again...that fat load was critical....didn't like the extra weight, but man it's nice not wanting to eat everything in sight! I am EXTREMELY tired first thing in the morning though. Hard to get out of bed. However, once I'm up...drink my tea...take my energy pills...I'm good to go!

So how is everyone else doing? Are we all going down? G - What's your status since you're ahead of us?


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