Friday, October 22, 2010

VLCD Day 3

So I'm down again today which is always good, but not by a full pound. Almost...but not quite. I have a cold so my weight is going to be iffy the next couple of days. My sinus is drainign waaaaay to much so I clearly will need to have some bread intake in order not to continue feeling so nauseaus. With that being said, I know I've got to hit the treadmill every night until I feel better. I did get on last night and hopefully burned about 150 cals in my 20 min workout. Bout to go make some tea now, but I have to put some buckwheat honey in's good for you when you have colds. Only a half teaspoon or so though. We'll see how much my cold elixer's catch up to me in the next couple of days. I'm fearful that it's going to affect how quickly my weight drops.

Tam....signing off!


  1. I'm down 1 pound, I slowed down the work-out last night and only did 2 miles on the treadmill. That seemed to work and I'm not so weak and tired today. I have a Haunted Hay Ride tonight and that will be hard to do without sippin some hot chocolate or something from a

  2. I hope you feel better T.

    No loss today. Looking back at my chart the last two times, this is about the time I start to have days where I don't lose. Hopefully, I will pick back up in the last week and a half.


  3. I have lost a little more than 9 pounds so far. I am excited, but I am so hungry. This morning was hard for me to get ready since I had no energy. Now, I remember why we don't do these cycles back to back! I did buy some fiber pills that have zero net carbs and no sugar (same as Tamara's kind). So, if anyone ever needs some, stop by. They do seem to help. Plus, I have some xylitol gum if anyone needs some. It's cinnamon and very tasty. It seems to be really helping me when I feel like I get the munchies.
